Games & Experiences

VR Dungeon Survival Project (Coming Soon)

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Motion Controls in Dungeon Survival

Features Overview

  • Made from the ground up for VR, with unique features to support motion controls
  • Next-gen VR features today: Voice-input commands, NPC facial morphs and more.
  • Co-op multiplayer (at least 2-4 players, maybe more unofficially supported)
  • Streaming, no-load-screens transitions between levels of the dungeon
  • True First Person (you can see the character’s body, including animations)
  • Deep Item System – Fire burns things, water douses them, etc. – generalized gameplay that layers up to produce complex interactions
  • Real-time Physics Interactions and Combat – Items are physics based as in games like Skyrim, combat is based on physical collisions – if you see a hit – you hit!
  • Environment Interaction Over Hack ‘n’ Slash – Use your wits to overcome the dungeon’s deadly foes and traps! Ingenuity is rewarded over blunt force.
  • A Customizable Experience – Want hardcore roguelike style gameplay with permadeath? Or would you rather have a more Skyrim-style experience? You choose!
  • Modding Support – Via both configuration file editing (recombine base gameplay of items/monsters with new looks and combinations of behaviors) and advanced modding through the UE4 engine. Modding means for a replayable experience you can keep coming back to for years to come.

About The (VR) Dungeon Survival Project

The (VR) Dungeon Survival Project is a game built out of my desire to make something that captures the magic of deep item and environment interaction gameplay of roguelikes, on top of a foundation of survival and real time gameplay.

In addition, the game is my experiment into VR and supporting novel input devices for more interactive, fine-grained gameplay. What this means is that ultimately Dungeon Survival will support setups that allow the player to play with natural input, such as grasping and manipulating objects with the HTC Vive controllers.

Mod support is also very important to me, as I fully understand that mods are the key to longevity of games of this sort. Most things will be able to be tweaked or added to without any tools other than a text editor, but advanced functionality will require downloading a mod pack with source files for the game, and getting access to Unreal Engine 4.



Storyteller – An Immersive VR Audiobook Player (Available Now)

New Trailer!
or download now (Mediafire link – Oculus Share update coming soon)
Storyteller: Fireside Tales is an immersive VR (works on monitor too) audiobook player.

Storyteller: Fireside Tales is an immersive VR (works on monitor too) audiobook player.

exx4c0nStoryteller: Fireside Tales

Featured in recent Vice article about VR:

Connington’s first VR trip was closer to what you’d typically do after taking shrooms. After donning the Rift headset, he was sitting in a cave around a crackling campfire listening to an old man reading George Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire (the series that became Game of Thrones). The simulation, Storyteller – Fireside Tales, is an immersive audio book that makes it feel like the story’s being told by someone sitting next to you.

“The echoing of the old man’s voice through the cave, the dripping of the water behind me, and the warmth of the fire in front were so intense and real that I felt like I could reach out and touch them,” Connington says.

“I had left my student life behind and become part of the ASOIAF world, feeling like Hodor could walk in at any moment.” he says. “I started to dream I was Bran, stuck in a cave somewhere North of the Wall.”

Storyteller: Fireside Tales

Review from The RiftArcade

It’s something the human race has been doing for aeons, and it surely helped to develop human speech patterns and increase our intelligence. Storyteller: Fireside Tales, is a unique demo for the Oculus Rift, that attempts to recreate the experience of sitting around a fire listening to stories. It does this by loading audio book files, then playing them through an animated hermit who sits and reads from a book.

You’ll find yourself sitting on a wooden bench in a vast cave that’s only lit by the camp fire. Water drips down the cave walls, a few patches of grass manage to grow through the dirt, and off in the distance you can see outside where birds occasionally fly past a dusk sky. There’s a nice sense of place, and the scale feel realistic. Shortly after sitting back and listening the audio book, you’ll find yourself completely immersed in this primeval world.


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